10 Expert-Backed Eating Habits to Boost Energy

10 Expert-Backed Eating Habits to Boost Energy and Beat Fatigue in 2025

As we step into 2025, forming healthy eating habits can stave off fatigue and enhance overall wellness. Experts endorse hydrating the body with warm water and lemon juice, incorporating unprocessed foods while not forgetting bananas, oats, and lean proteins, and remaining hydrated with water and herbal teas. Adhering to the 80-20 rule along with taking…

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MIND Diet and Lifestyle

MIND Diet and Lifestyle: Your Ultimate Guide to Reducing Dementia Risk and Boosting Brain Health

There is no denying that the consumption of food is related to the risk run by dementia. There are plenty of studies to establish some sort of connection, and health experts have recently started referring to Alzheimer’s disease, one type of dementia, as “Type 3” diabetes. Some foods increase Alzheimer’s risk, but if they increase…

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H5N1 Bird Flu Pandemic Risks

Unheeded COVID-19 Lessons: Experts Warn of Growing H5N1 Bird Flu Pandemic Risks

Health practitioners warn that America hasn’t learned enough lessons from Covid-19 to help contain threats from other pathogens like H5N1 bird flu, which continue to exhibit signs of potential for pandemic. “In other words, we are rather oblivious to how profound this is from the zoonotic approach—the animal-to-human process,” said Dr. Deborah Birx on CNN…

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